The EAPIR-8 is an alarm panel developed for console mounting and used with Exigo systems. The alarm panel features eight fully programmable buttons that can be used to manually initiate fire alarms, gas alarms, or any other action in the Exigo system apart form live speech and recall.
The alarm panel is fully digital, and connects to the Exigo system over standard Ethernet network cabling. Two monitored Ethernet ports are available in order to facilitate redundant cabling and connection to both the A and B system.
The alarm panel is fully monitored to ensure detection of any fault which may compromise the system’s functionality.
LED indicators on the alarm panel show the status of the power supply and whether a fault is present in the system. The fault indicator can also be designated to only show faults on the access panel itself. Each of the access panel’s buttons features two independent indicators that show the status of the button’s function.