Note: One license key per order line
AXIS Device Manager Extend (ADM Extend) offers a unified, user-friendly interface that helps you proactively manage your customers’ Axis devices and sites from anywhere. Featuring an intuitive dashboard and remote site access, you can manage thousands of Axis devices and it allows you to perform firmware updates and other tasks at scale. Additionally, it’s an invaluable tool for troubleshooting and proactive planning, helping you save time and money. ADM Extend delivers product warranty, end-of-life, and hardening compliance information. For instance, you’ll receive recommendations for firmware upgrades to help mitigate your customers device vulnerabilities.
ADM Extend is based on annual subscription
The renewal date is time-based (12 months)
One license per device
One license key per order line
Activation through a license key redeemed by SI in AXIS License Manager.
Free 90-day trial period
End Customers and Authorized partners = world market price/device and year
MRP (NSI), Gold and Silver Solution Partners = requires no license for full access